Videos and podcasts
Behöver Folkhälsomyndigheten ett etikråd? (‘Does the Swedish Public Health Agency need an ethics council?’)
För att myndigheter ska klara av att hantera plötsligt uppkomna kriser likt covid-19-pandemin krävs fakta. Om hur sjukdomen sprids och hur den bör behandlas. Men fakta är inte tillräckliga. Myndigheter måste också göra avvägningar mellan olika värden. Minskad smittspridning ska ställas mot inskränkt frihet och isolering, liv ska ställas mot liv i avvägningen om vilka som ska prioriteras i vården, räddade liv nu ska ställas mot det långsiktiga lidandet av en ekonomisk depression. Enbart fakta kan inte berätta för oss hur vi bör handla. En expertmyndighet som Folkhälsomyndigheten som ska göra dessa avvägningar behöver därför ett etikråd. Det menar Gustaf Arrhenius, Krister Bykvist, Rebecca Thorburn Stern och Folke Tersman i kapitlet Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider som ingår i antologin I en tid av pandemi utgiven av ESO – Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi. Hör författarna, representanter från Statens medicinsk-etiska råd, Folkhälsomyndigheten och Socialdepartementet diskutera förslaget på det här seminariet som arrangeras av Institutet för framtidsstudier och ESO.
Moderator Lena Unemo, kanslichef på ESO. Medverkande: Anders Tegnell, statsepidemiolog, Folkhälsomyndigheten Göran Collste, professor i tillämpad etik, ledamot av Statens medicinsk-etiska råd Maja Fjæstad, docent, statssekreterare, Socialdepartementet Gustaf Arrhenius, vd Institutet för framtidsstudier, professor i praktisk filosofi Krister Bykvist, professor i praktisk filosofi Rebecca Thorburn Stern, professor i folkrätt Folke Tersman, professor i praktisk filosofi |
The Dissenter: Metaethics, Population Ethics, and Antinatalism
The Dissenter with Ricardo Lopes
In this episode, we talk about metaethics. We start by discussing what the most basic questions in metaethics are, how ethics can be objective, and the metaphysical status of moral facts. We talk about the relationship between preferences, values, and wellbeing. We get into population ethics, and discuss questions related to future demographics, climate change, and social security. Finally, we discuss antinatalism, if life is worth starting, and if we can determine objectively the amount of good and bad in human life. Time Links: 00:00 Intro 00:40 The most basic questions in metaethics 07:18 How can ethics be objective? 13:37 The metaphysical status of moral facts 19:32 The relationship between preferences, values, and wellbeing 27:45 Population ethics 35:36 Demographics, climate change, and social security 39:57 Antinatalism. Is life worth starting? 42:44 Determining the amount of good and bad in life 49:21 Follow Dr. Bykvist’s work! |
Seattle Atheist Church: Utilitarianism and heavy duty
Popular writing
(1) ‘Utilitarianism’, Dialogue, Issue 39, November, 2012.
(2) ‘Räknefel? Har ekonomerna fått mänsklig rationalitet om bakfoten?’ (‘Miscalculations? Do economists misunderstand human rationality?’), Modern Filosofi, April 21, 2016.
(3) ‘Folkhälsomyndigheten behöver ett etiskt råd’ (‘Why the Swedish Public Health Agency needs an ethics council’), with Gustaf Arrhenius, Rebecca Stern, Folke Tersman, Debattsidan, Svenska Dagbladet, April 9, 2020.
(4) ‘Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider’ (‘Ethical trade-offs during pandemics’), with Gustaf Arrhenius, Rebecca Stern, Folke Tersman, report for Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi (ESO), 2021.
(5) ‘Existentiella brytpunkter’ (‘Existential tipping points’), Utställningsbroschyr (exhibition broschure), Tipping points installation by Bigert&Bergström, Djurgården, Stockholm, June 1, 2021.
(6) Remiss på promemorian Bättre konsekvensutredningar (Ds 2022:22), Finansdepartementet. (tillsammans med Mats Ingelström), 2022.
(7) Interview about my RJ-project on coordination ethics by on-line magazine, June 18, 2023.
(8) ‘Uncertainty and utilitarianism’, guest essay at, first published on-line 2023,
Public talks
(1) ‘Two introductory lectures on moral philosophy’, Hudiksvall’s gymnasium (College), 1995.
(2) ‘Ethical theories’ (’Etiska modeller’), Ava Gymnasium (College), Täby, 2008.
(3) Moral Philosophy: Fundamental Questions. Oxford department for continuing education. Two lectures: ‘Goodness’ and ‘Reason’, 2010.
(4) ‘What to do about climate change (when you don’t know what to do)’, PPE Taster Day Jesus College, June, 2011
(5) ‘Population ethics’, Charterhouse School, UK, Fall 2013.
(6) ’Derek Parfit och vårt ansvar för kommande generationer’, Vardagsuniversitetet, ABF-huset, April 5, 2016.
(7) ‘Vårt ansvar för framtida generationer’ (‘Our responsibility for future generations’), Forskardagarna på Stockholms Universitet, October 2, 2019.
(8) ‘Framtida generationer, rättvisa, och demokrati’ (‘Future generations, justice, and democracy’), Hållbarhetsforum, Stockholms Universitet, October 29, 2019.
(9) ‘To be or not to be, that is the question – but what is the answer?’, Tipping Point Event with artists and dancers, Institute for Futures Studies, November 5, 2020.
(10) Modellering som underlag för politiska beslut, (Modelling as a basis for political decisions), moderator, RIFO (an association for parlamentarians and researchers), February 18, 2021.
(11) ‘Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider’ (‘Ethical trade-offs during pandemics’), Workshop om efterlevnad av pandemirestriktioner, Försvarshögskolan och Regeringskansliet (The Swedish Defence Academy and the Swedish Government Offices), March 29, 2021.
(12) ‘Behöver FHM ett etiskt råd? Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider’ (‘Why the Swedish Public Health Agency needs an ethics council’), together with Gustaf Arrhenius, Folke Tersman, Rebbeca Stern, Institute for Futures Studies, May 25, 2021.
(13) ‘Moral uncertainty', Utilitarian podcast, run by Gus Docker, September 6, 2021.
(14) 'Transformative experience', Filosofisk Podcast, March 17, 2022,
(15) ‘Utilitarianism and heavy duty’, on-line seminar, Seattle Atheist Church, October 2, 2022.
(16) 'Metaethics, population ethics, and antinatalism'. The Dissenter Podcast with Ricardo Lopes, November 21, 2022.
(17) ‘Icke-identitetsproblemet, påverkansprincipen och vårt ansvar för framtida generationer’ (‘The non-identity problem, the person-affecting principle, and our responsibility for future generations’), Etikseminarium om ansvaret för kommande generationer, Kärnavfallsrådet, November 29, 2022.
(18) Comments on Will MacAskill’s What we owe the future, Kulturhuset, Organized by the press Volantes, Stockholm, June 13, 2023.
(19) ‘Is individual altruism collectively ineffective?’, Philosophy Club. Stockholm School of Economics, 29 April, 2024.
(20) ‘Is individual altruism collectively ineffective?’, Effective Altruism Forum. Nordic Talks Series, May 15, 2024.
Advisory boards
(1) ‘Utilitarianism’, Dialogue, Issue 39, November, 2012.
(2) ‘Räknefel? Har ekonomerna fått mänsklig rationalitet om bakfoten?’ (‘Miscalculations? Do economists misunderstand human rationality?’), Modern Filosofi, April 21, 2016.
(3) ‘Folkhälsomyndigheten behöver ett etiskt råd’ (‘Why the Swedish Public Health Agency needs an ethics council’), with Gustaf Arrhenius, Rebecca Stern, Folke Tersman, Debattsidan, Svenska Dagbladet, April 9, 2020.
(4) ‘Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider’ (‘Ethical trade-offs during pandemics’), with Gustaf Arrhenius, Rebecca Stern, Folke Tersman, report for Expertgruppen för studier i offentlig ekonomi (ESO), 2021.
(5) ‘Existentiella brytpunkter’ (‘Existential tipping points’), Utställningsbroschyr (exhibition broschure), Tipping points installation by Bigert&Bergström, Djurgården, Stockholm, June 1, 2021.
(6) Remiss på promemorian Bättre konsekvensutredningar (Ds 2022:22), Finansdepartementet. (tillsammans med Mats Ingelström), 2022.
(7) Interview about my RJ-project on coordination ethics by on-line magazine, June 18, 2023.
(8) ‘Uncertainty and utilitarianism’, guest essay at, first published on-line 2023,
Public talks
(1) ‘Two introductory lectures on moral philosophy’, Hudiksvall’s gymnasium (College), 1995.
(2) ‘Ethical theories’ (’Etiska modeller’), Ava Gymnasium (College), Täby, 2008.
(3) Moral Philosophy: Fundamental Questions. Oxford department for continuing education. Two lectures: ‘Goodness’ and ‘Reason’, 2010.
(4) ‘What to do about climate change (when you don’t know what to do)’, PPE Taster Day Jesus College, June, 2011
(5) ‘Population ethics’, Charterhouse School, UK, Fall 2013.
(6) ’Derek Parfit och vårt ansvar för kommande generationer’, Vardagsuniversitetet, ABF-huset, April 5, 2016.
(7) ‘Vårt ansvar för framtida generationer’ (‘Our responsibility for future generations’), Forskardagarna på Stockholms Universitet, October 2, 2019.
(8) ‘Framtida generationer, rättvisa, och demokrati’ (‘Future generations, justice, and democracy’), Hållbarhetsforum, Stockholms Universitet, October 29, 2019.
(9) ‘To be or not to be, that is the question – but what is the answer?’, Tipping Point Event with artists and dancers, Institute for Futures Studies, November 5, 2020.
(10) Modellering som underlag för politiska beslut, (Modelling as a basis for political decisions), moderator, RIFO (an association for parlamentarians and researchers), February 18, 2021.
(11) ‘Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider’ (‘Ethical trade-offs during pandemics’), Workshop om efterlevnad av pandemirestriktioner, Försvarshögskolan och Regeringskansliet (The Swedish Defence Academy and the Swedish Government Offices), March 29, 2021.
(12) ‘Behöver FHM ett etiskt råd? Etiska avvägningar i pandemitider’ (‘Why the Swedish Public Health Agency needs an ethics council’), together with Gustaf Arrhenius, Folke Tersman, Rebbeca Stern, Institute for Futures Studies, May 25, 2021.
(13) ‘Moral uncertainty', Utilitarian podcast, run by Gus Docker, September 6, 2021.
(14) 'Transformative experience', Filosofisk Podcast, March 17, 2022,
(15) ‘Utilitarianism and heavy duty’, on-line seminar, Seattle Atheist Church, October 2, 2022.
(16) 'Metaethics, population ethics, and antinatalism'. The Dissenter Podcast with Ricardo Lopes, November 21, 2022.
(17) ‘Icke-identitetsproblemet, påverkansprincipen och vårt ansvar för framtida generationer’ (‘The non-identity problem, the person-affecting principle, and our responsibility for future generations’), Etikseminarium om ansvaret för kommande generationer, Kärnavfallsrådet, November 29, 2022.
(18) Comments on Will MacAskill’s What we owe the future, Kulturhuset, Organized by the press Volantes, Stockholm, June 13, 2023.
(19) ‘Is individual altruism collectively ineffective?’, Philosophy Club. Stockholm School of Economics, 29 April, 2024.
(20) ‘Is individual altruism collectively ineffective?’, Effective Altruism Forum. Nordic Talks Series, May 15, 2024.
Advisory boards
- Member of the steering group for Stockholm Centre for Health Care Ethics, (CHE), Karolinska Institute, 2017-present.
- Member of the Ethics Advisory Board for Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, 2018-present